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Top 10 Multi-purpose Outdoor Commercial Drinking Fountains (Puretal) Manufacturers and Companies in Middle East

2024-12-03 15:10:01
Top 10 Multi-purpose Outdoor Commercial Drinking Fountains (Puretal) Manufacturers and Companies in Middle East


Amid the relentless heat and the unforgiving weather conditions that characterize the Middle Eastern region, the need for clean and safe drinking water is paramount. It is worth noting that urbanization and industrialization processes are accelerating, making it necessary to develop solid infrastructure facilities which in this case include commercial drinking fountains. Such structures help to meet the needs of maintaining a healthy and balanced body as well as beautifying the outdoor environment, preserving ecology and protecting the population's health. This paper presents a list of the ten leading manufacturers and companies involved in the production and supply of these vital products with special interest to Puretal one of the most prominent brands in the industry.

How do Drinking Fountains Work?

Drinking fountains, also called water fountains or bubblers, are designed to accomplish one fundamental purpose which is supplying potable water to the public free of charge. This purpose becomes more optimized here in the Middle East where extreme temperatures are common requiring high hydration. Drinking fountains have for several centuries been used for dispensing clean water, however newer models come equipped with filtration systems, passive cooling and easier to use water-on-the-go dispensers.

These fountains have a wider purpose than just providing water to the inhabitants of the area. Such fountains, composed with durable materials and nice designs, are built to be a part of the ecosystem of places such as parks, schools, shopping centers, and recreational facilities. The functional scope of the fountains is also expanding due to the incorporation of such technologies as touchless sensors, UV sterilization, and real-time monitoring.

Importance in Testing and Research

The companies engaged in the manufacture of multi-purpose outdoor commercial drinking fountains in the Middle East buy a lot of research so that the products are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. It is important to apply stringent testing protocols to verify that the fountains are capable of environmental exposure, vandal resistance, and efficient operation with low downtime. It is also worth noting that leading companies are engaged in the processes of further development and enhancement of their products based on feedback from real users.

There is also a concern and focus on water treatment and conservation. Water-saving systems include automatic shutoff valves and leak detection systems that are designed to be vandalism resistant; their filtration and purification systems are designed and are constructed to be water wasting in a minimum amount. The civilized design, as well as the employment of new eco-friendly materials and methods, are starting to be incorporated in the industry.

Top Manufacturers of Multi-purpose Outdoor Commercial Drinking Fountains


Owing to its very effective and aesthetically appealing filtration systems, Puretal is regarded as one of the leading suppliers in the region. Equipment supplied by the company has high performance reliability with low maintenance level making it most favorable for private as well as public sector works.


It is not an overstatement to state that the importance of multi-purpose outdoor commercial drinking fountains in the Middle East is quite outstanding since they are key to the provision of water in the Middle East as well as the people’s health. Due to the vast number of problems that exist in the region, it is necessary for companies like Puretal, among others to do so. It is expected that in the future, better designs will achieve better results and increase the provision of these great installations to the Middle East communities.